Why should you choose Tinh Tram Thien Y?

Ngày: 12/05/2024 | Lượt xem: 36

Customers choose our Tinh Tram Thien Y for the following reasons:

Professional in manufacturing and distributing high-quality Agarwood Essential Oil

– We only produce and distribute “Agarwood Essential Oil” and do not trade in Agarwood or other products from Agarwood. Our products are distributed at high-end and prestigious Agarwood Showrooms.

– We only produce and distribute “Agarwood Essential Oil” and do not trade in any other essential oils.

– Our Agarwood Essential Oil production process involves consultation and implementation of leading experts and scientists in Agarwood Essential Oil extraction, from raw material selection to production, essential oil extraction stage and Agarwood essential oil quality control stage.


Thien Y Agarwood Essence, a product of nature, no chemicals, is extracted from premium Agarwood ingredients.

 Tinh Tram Thien Y carries the concept of thanking Heaven for giving people miraculous medicine for their health and spirit. Therefore, Thien Y Agarwood Essence is exploited and extracted according to nature, without using chemical drugs that damage the plant and the environment and are unsafe for users. We respect nature and are responsible for the natural environment and human health.

It is extracted using supercritical CO2 technology – Preserving the essence of Agarwood in the product.

 Science is constantly developing to serve human interests, but it is also based on the need to preserve Mother Nature’s quintessential values.

With the desire to preserve the integrity of the quintessential active ingredients – pure, unchanged by the impact of heat, not generating any impurities due to the soaking process of raw materials, Thien Y Agarwood Essence is extracted using the following technology: supercritical CO2 circulation technology, which is the most advanced current method in essential oil extraction. The advantages of this method are:

  • Make sure that the essential oil does not change the active ingredients: The solvent is supercritical C02 which has almost no reaction with the substances in Agarwood. At the same time, the extraction by this method is performed at low temperatures (about more than 30 degrees), so the active ingredients are not decomposed by heat like the steam distillation method.
  • Ensure ingredient purity: The supercritical cyclic C02 method will not leave “solvent traces” because at the end of the extraction process, the temperature is just raised a little, supercritical C02 will gasify completely and evaporate, leaving pure Agarwood Essential Oil.
  • Retain the most natural and purest fragrance: The aromatic substances inherent in Agarwood are kept intact. Moreover, because the supercritical cycle C02 method does not go through the soaking phase of the raw materials, there is no microbial decomposition. The essential oil has a pure, natural fragrance, not unpleasant or harsh as Agarwood Essential Oil extracted by steam distillation.
  • Preserve the most valuable medicinal uses: Agarwood essential oil is precious in the first fragrance and especially precious in the “Medicinal Fragrance” part. The supercritical circulation C02 method helps Tinh Tram Thien Y to retain the active ingredients that bring about the precious medicinal effects of Agarwood. Tinh Tram Thien Y’s the ingredient analysis table is shown (in order from top to bottom) with 7 fragrance active ingredients, 3 sedative/stress-reducing active ingredients, 7 anti-inflammatory/analgesic active ingredients, 7 antibacterial/antifungal/antiviral active ingredients, 2 antioxidant/slow-aging active ingredients for cancer prevention.

Tinh Tram Thien Y meets all standards for determining the quality of premium Agarwood Essential Oil according to expert methods:

  • Color of Thien Y Agarwood Essential Oil: Thien Y Agarwood Essential Oil is amber, the characteristic colour of high-quality Agarwood Essential Oil.
  • Scent of Thien Y Agarwood Essential Oil: Thien Y Agarwood Essential Oil possesses the characteristic pure and sweet scent of high-quality Agarwood Essential Oil extracted from high-quality Agarwood ingredients applying modern technology
  • Fragrance retention time of Tinh Tram Thien Y: The fragrance retention time on the skin of Tinh Tram Thien Y is about 6 hours, on fabric about 10 hours, which is the fragrance retention time that meets the standards of high-quality Agarwood Essential Oil.

Transparent ingredient testing certificate

 The ingredient analysis table has shown that Thien Y Agarwood Essential Oil contains all the active ingredients corresponding to the most valuable effects of Agarwood Essential Oil.

The announcement table of Tinh Tram Thien Y above is a clear demonstration of the authentic quality of Agarwood Essential Oil, ensuring that our product is genuine and among the highest standard.


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